Cashmere and Cream Tea

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

So, my baby brother is turning 18 and I must knit him a hat. I have no time for that and his head is like a bucket, only bigger and really high off of the ground. I hate to give him an I.O.U. but for now, my plate is freaking full. It's not even cold out, so perhaps I can be forgiven.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I now have several hat orders that various friends and family have placed with me (none for the Leia hat, but that was just for Elise anyway). I have to finish the sleeves on Jeremiah's sweater, they are *almost* done. I have to rip out 6 inches of the front because the pattern was a little hard for me to figure out.

Then...the back of the sweater.

I think I am going to make a Katamari hat, perhaps a few of them. I always say that but I've never made the same pattern twice. I am fairly new to knitting so there is so much I haven't tried yet, so why do something I've already done?

It seems that Safari hates this site and decides to show me its distaste by refusing to show me the buttons required to do all the stuff one does here. I have a spell check (didn't need that in the first place) and the image window and that's it for choices. I shall try this again in firefox, but it's hard to remember which sites hate which browsers.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Here's my sister posing for a dorky photo. I'll post a better one once she gets a chance to figure out her new camera. She loved the hat! I knew it was a gamble. Thanks to all who assisted including bleuarts for the pattern and Lime, (?) of Lime and Violet fame, for the translation.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Cashmere and Cream Tea

Cashmere and Cream Tea

I am so tired of doing this stupid homework. Case briefs are for chumps. I am so tempted to write,

"What you are witnessing is real. The participants are not actors. They are actual litigants with a case pending in an international court. Both parties have agreed to dismiss their court cases and have their disputes settled here... in our forum... THE PEOPLE'S COURT"

I don't think my professor would find that funny.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Cashmere and Cream Tea

Okay, so my hat is done and I am blocking it. Yay. But I have just one question: why does it smell like a butt?

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

This morning's beverage: orange spice special with a bit of decaf vanilla from the Tea Smith with some honey and half and half.

My daughter has taken to tea and knitting almost as much as I have. She makes me tea so she can have some. She says it's part of her Mother's Day coupon book (funny she's never offered to cash in the cleaning ones more than once). She just finished an 8 foot monstrous scarf for her very best friend Hannah. She is so proud of it! It is a garter stitch scarf using size (20?) needles with Lion Brand "Big" in bright green. I really should have taken a picture, but I suppose I will get another opportunity since Hannah practically lives here. I think Hannah may be visible from space this winter in her bright green 8 foot scarf.

I am working on the Leia hat, I still haven't figured out how to add the hyperlink on here. The button doesn't seem to actually put a link on here, anyway the pattern is from bleuarts, check it out. I have one bun done and about 2 inches of the hat. So far, so good, after some translation ( I didn't realize sk was a variant of St st).

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Cashmere and Cream Tea

I am attempting to make my first hat courtesy of bleuarts which I haven't yet figured out how to link. I find to to be a truly fabulous hat, however I've had to rip it out 3x because I didn't understand the pattern.

After much frustration, I called upon a wiser knitter than I to interpret my misdeeds. She laughed, but only a little, when I told her she was my only hope. She fixed my issue in short order and I am now back to making this hat for my sister's birthday. She will either love me forever or think I've taken up crack, but either way she'll be amused.

Last year I knitted her a shampoodle (her favorite toy when she was little). For those of you who don't know, a Shampoodle is a plastic bath toy in bright pink that you put shampoo in, squeeze and then you are "Shampooin' and Doin' her hair".

She and that Shampoodle were best friends until it got tragically moldy, so I thought now that she's older, she doesn't need a new shampoodle, though I did look on ebay. I found a poodle wine bottle cover pattern and knitted it in the same disgusting pink so she has a shampoodle cozy for her shampoo.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Tea is my friend. Jeremiah is not.