Cashmere and Cream Tea

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I now have several hat orders that various friends and family have placed with me (none for the Leia hat, but that was just for Elise anyway). I have to finish the sleeves on Jeremiah's sweater, they are *almost* done. I have to rip out 6 inches of the front because the pattern was a little hard for me to figure out.

Then...the back of the sweater.

I think I am going to make a Katamari hat, perhaps a few of them. I always say that but I've never made the same pattern twice. I am fairly new to knitting so there is so much I haven't tried yet, so why do something I've already done?

It seems that Safari hates this site and decides to show me its distaste by refusing to show me the buttons required to do all the stuff one does here. I have a spell check (didn't need that in the first place) and the image window and that's it for choices. I shall try this again in firefox, but it's hard to remember which sites hate which browsers.


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